Constituted by resolution of the Municipality of Castelo Branco,
in its meeting of 01st June 2001, and the Municipal Assembly of
Castelo Branco, in its regular meeting on 29th June of 2001, under
point a), nr. 1 article 4 of Law nr. 58/98 of 18th August, with the
main purpose to carry out the management and promotion of equipment
and infrastructure owned by the municipality of Castelo Branco in
the cultural, social, sporting, recreational and leisure areas and
may exercise, incidentally, other activities related to its object,
namely the realization of events.
With deed of incorporation municipal ALBIGEC - Company
Equipment Management Cultural, Sports and Leisure, E. M.
held on 27th August 2001 and with statutes published on 4th October
2001, in the Supplement nr. 231th Series III of the Gazette.
The ALBIGEC is headquartered in the building of
the City Hall, City Hall Square, in Castelo Branco. The
administrative offices are located in complex pools of Castelo
Branco, located in Urban Park City.
The Law nr. 53-F/2006 , of 29th December , establishing the
Legal Sector Local Business ( RJSEL ) determined the adjustment of
status of municipal corporations , formed under the Law nr 58/98
August 18 , the provisions of the new legal regime .
The Municipality of Castelo Branco decided on 29th December 2010
, authorizing the statutory change , in the exercise of supervisory
powers over ALBIGEC . On 31th December 2010 , by
deed , AlbigeC proceeded to the amendment of the statutes, from
assignment to ALBIGEC - Equipment Management Cultural,
Sports and Leisure, EEM.
The Municipality of Castelo Branco, at a regular meeting held
07th January 2011, resolved unanimously to appoint the Board of
Directors of the business entity municipal ALBIGEC -
Equipment Management Cultural , Sports and Leisure , EEM ,
Morão, Joaquim Lopes Dias - President
Carvalhinho, João Nuno Marques - Member
Granada, Maria Cristina Vicente Pires -